Minimalist guide | list of 26 things to get rid of or never buy

Minimalist guide list
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Minimalism is a lifestyle that helps people focus on what is important in their lives. It is about getting rid of the things that we do not need and keeping only what is essential.

It is about releasing feelings of attachment to physical objects, and instead, cherishing personal and intrapersonal relationships more than worshipping products, goods, and services that come with the greedy pursuit of excessive monetary wealth.

Minimalism is focused on the three necessities of life and existence; food, water, and shelter. Everything else is viewed as excessive.

List of things to get rid of to declutter

There are many things in our lives that if we stopped to take a look at and examine, we would quickly discover we either haven’t used them in ages or no longer have a use for in the present.

By stopping for a moment to take a look around you and decide what continues on and no longer serves any purpose in your life, you can begin to live a much more intentional existence.

Listed below are just a few of the most superfluous things that are common in most every household:

  1. Unnecessary clothing
  2. Shoes you never wear
  3. Old makeup and toiletries
  4. Excess furniture
  5. Decorations you no longer like
  6. Expired food
  7. Gifts you don’t want
  8. Old electronics
  9. Junk mail/paperwork
  10. Cords and chargers you don’t use
  11. Towels you never use
  12. Excess bedding/linens
  13. Outdated books/magazines
  14. Kids’ toys they no longer play with
  15. Clothes that no longer fit you
  16. Old exercise equipment
  17. Kitchen gadgets you never use

9 things a minimalist would never buy

There are a few things that a minimalist would never buy.

  • First, they would never buy something just because it is on sale or because it is a good deal.
  • Second, they would never buy something that they do not need or that does not serve a purpose in their life.
  • Third, they would never buy something that they cannot take care of or that will not last.
  • Fourth, they would never buy something that is not eco-friendly or that is harmful to the environment.
  • Fifth, they would never buy something that is not ethically produced.
  • Sixth, they would never buy something that does not fit into their lifestyle.
  • Seventh, they would never buy something that creates clutter or chaos in their life.
  • Eighth, they would never buy something that is not necessary for their happiness or well-being.
  • Finally, they would never buy something that does not align with their values.

Minimalist list of belongings

A minimalist has or needs a few things:

  1. A place to live that is clean, uncluttered, and free of unnecessary distractions
  2. A wardrobe that contains only essential items and is free of superfluous clothing
  3. A personal schedule that is free of time-wasting activities and commitments
  4. A set of personal values that guide all decision-making

Of course, every minimalist will have different specific needs and wants, but these are some of the things that are typically considered essential for a minimalist lifestyle.

Minimalist purge checklist

If you are considering a minimalist purge, there are a few things you will need to do to prepare. First, take inventory of all your possessions and decide what is truly essential and what can be let go. Next, create a plan for disposing of or donating any items that you no longer need. Finally, begin decluttering your living space, one room at a time. Once you have completed your purge, you will be well on your way to living a more minimalist lifestyle.

Minimalist list of clothes

Remember, when beginning your minimalist journey, the thing to keep in mind is that excess is unnecessary and harmful. Start by getting rid of anything that you either have too much of (i.e. you don’t need 100 shirts) or doesn’t bring you happiness.

A minimalist wardrobe typically contains only a couple of pairs of essential items, such as:

  1. Underwear
  2. Socks
  3. Shirts
  4. Pants
  5. Dresses
  6. Skirts
  7. Shoes

Since you own less clothing, laundry is going to become a much bigger part of your life. Hand washing is always a good minimalist approach, but just remember that efficiency and reducing the environmental impact are two of the important facets of minimalism.

How to Become a Minimalist

If you are interested in adopting a minimalist lifestyle, there are a few things you can do to get started.

  • First, take inventory of your possessions and get rid of anything that you do not need or use.
  • Next, simplify your schedule and commitments to make more time for the things that are truly important to you.
  • Finally, begin to focus on experiences rather than things.

There is no one right way to live a minimalist lifestyle. The important thing is to find what works for you and to stick with it. Remember, minimalism is not about deprivation; it is about living a simpler, more focused life.

If you can declutter your life and find joy in the things that truly matter to you, then you are on your way to living a more fulfilling and satisfying life.

The History of Minimalism

The minimalist ideology has its roots in the specific cultural and historical context of late-20th century Western society. In general, minimalism can be seen as a reaction against the excesses and consumerism of this society. The main goal of minimalism is to strip away everything unnecessary or superfluous, to focus on what is essential.

This philosophy has been applied to various fields, including art, architecture, design, fashion, music, and literature. In each case, the idea is to reduce the work down to its bare essentials, to create a more powerful and impactful experience.

One of the most famous advocates of minimalism was the artist, Sol LeWitt. In a 1967 essay, he wrote: “The idea of reducing painting to its essentials has been an important and constant concern of artists throughout history… The minimalist aesthetic thus takes as its starting point the fact that it is the object which is seen and not the subject.”

Minimalism can be seen as a facet of Buddhism. In Buddhism, the goal is to achieve nirvana, which is a state of complete peace and enlightenment. To achieve this goal, Buddhists believe that you must let go of all desires and attachments. This is where minimalism comes in – by living with less, you can let go of your attachments and focus on what truly matters.

For example, Buddhist monks typically live quite simply, with few material possessions. This is in keeping with the Buddhist principle of renunciation or giving up attachment to worldly things. Therefore, it is likely that many Buddhist monks would consider themselves to be minimalist in their approach to life.

In recent years, minimalism has become increasingly popular as a lifestyle choice, as people strive to declutter their lives and live with less. Many people adopt a minimalist lifestyle to simplify their lives, save money, and reduce their impact on the environment. Some people also find that minimalism helps them to focus on what is truly important to them and to live a more meaningful life.

Minimalism to simplify your life

Minimalism simplifies your life in several ways. First, it forces you to focus on what is truly important to you. When you have fewer possessions, you naturally pay more attention to the things that matter most to you. This can help you simplify your life by identifying your priorities and eliminating anything that doesn’t contribute to your happiness or well-being.

Second, minimalism can help you get rid of unnecessary things. When you own fewer things, you have less to keep up with and fewer expenses. This can free up more money to save or invest in experiences and relationships that are truly important to you.

Finally, minimalism can help you reduce your impact on the environment. When you consume less, you produce less waste. This can help you live a more sustainable lifestyle and preserve resources for future generations while not actively attributing it to shortages and mass pollution like those produced from vehicle factories and then subsequently their emissions.

Minimalism to save money

Saving money can simplify your life in a few ways.

First, it can help you become more organized and disciplined with your finances. When you have a savings plan and stick to it, you are less likely to overspend or make impulsive purchases. This can help you keep track of your expenses and stay within your budget.

Second, savings can provide you with a financial safety net in case of an emergency. If you have money saved, you will not have to worry about how to pay for unexpected expenses if they arise.

Finally, having savings can give you peace of mind and help you relax, knowing that you have a cushion in case something unexpected comes up.

Minimalism saves you money by not purchasing or consuming more than your fill in every facet of existence. Today, people overindulge in practically everything and fall susceptible to addiction, loss, and dependency. Minimalism seeks to eradicate all of those things.

Minimalism to reduce ecological impact

Minimalism reduces someone’s ecological impact by reducing the amount of stuff they consume. This in turn reduces the number of resources that are required to sustain them and also reduces the amount of waste they produce.

Additionally, minimalism often leads to people consuming less energy overall, which further reduces their ecological footprint. Finally, minimalist living generally encourages people to be more mindful of their consumption and its impact on the environment, which can lead to even further reductions in ecological impact. Minimalism is a great way for someone to make a positive ecological impact in a world otherwise shrouded in petty politics and wealth that often disregards sustainability and has, subsequently, humanity.

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