How to keep birds off patio furniture (10 solutions)

How to keep birds off patio furniture
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Birds can be a real nuisance when it comes to your patio furniture. They can make a mess and damage your furniture, and it can be difficult to keep them away. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to deter birds from your patio furniture, here are 10 best solutions:

  1. Place bird netting over the patio furniture.
  2. Use an ultrasonic bird repeller.
  3. Install a scarecrow on your patio.
  4. Put up plastic owls around your patio space.
  5. Hang shiny objects.
  6. Play recorded distress calls of birds’ predators.
  7. Use a water hose or spray bottle to scare birds away.
  8. Apply a bird repellent gel or spray to patio furniture.
  9. Set out live traps to capture problem birds.
  10. Consult with a wildlife control specialist.

Bird Netting

Bird netting is a type of netting that is used to keep birds away from areas where they are not wanted. The most common use for bird netting is to keep birds from getting into gardens or other areas where they may eat plants or cause other damage, but it can also be used for patio furniture.

Bird netting is also sometimes used to keep birds from roosting in areas where they may be a nuisance, such as on boats or near windows. Bird netting is available in a variety of materials, including plastic, metal, and nylon. It is also available in a variety of sizes and colors to match the needs of the user.

Ultrasonic Bird Repeller

An ultrasonic bird repeller is a device that emits high-frequency sound waves to deter birds from roosting or nesting in an area. These devices are often used to keep birds away from crops, warehouses, and other locations where they may cause damage or create a nuisance.

Ultrasonic bird repellers typically emit sounds at frequencies between 20,000 and 40,000 hertz, which is above the range of human hearing. Birds, however, can hear these frequencies and find them to be unpleasant, causing them to avoid areas where the sounds are present.


A scarecrow is a figure made to scare birds or other animals away from a certain area. They are usually made out of straw and cloth, and often have a scary face painted on them. Scarecrows can be used to protect gardens, fields, or any other area where animals might cause damage.

Plastic Owls

One of the most common ways that people use to deter birds is by using plastic owls. The theory behind this is that birds are afraid of owls, so by placing a plastic owl in an area where birds are congregating, they will be scared away.

If you are considering using a plastic owl to deter birds, it is important to keep a few things in mind.

  • First, make sure that the owl is large enough to be intimidating to the birds. Smaller owls may not be as effective.
  • Second, place the owl in an area of the patio where it can be easily seen by the birds. If they do not see the owl, they will not be scared away by it.
  • Finally, keep in mind that birds may eventually get used to the presence of the owl and no longer be afraid of it, so you may need to move the owl around from time to time to keep the birds away.

Shiny Objects

Some believe that shiny objects may help to deter birds because they are attracted to the shine and then become scared when they realize it is not food. Others believe that the reflective surface of the object confuses the bird and makes it more difficult for them to land.

There are a variety of shiny objects that you can hang on your patio to help deter birds. Some examples include aluminum foil, stainless steel kitchen utensils, silverware, CDs or DVDs, mirrors, and mylar balloons.

Recorded Distress Calls

Another way to deter birds is by playing recorded distress calls of the bird’s predators. These recordings can be played on a stereo or portable speaker and should be loud enough to be heard by the birds in the area.

The idea behind this method is that the birds will hear the distress calls and think that there is a predator nearby, causing them to fly away.


If you see a bird on your patio, you can scare it away by spraying it with water from a hose or a spray bottle. The sudden noise and movement will startle the bird and cause it to fly away.

You can also use this method to deter birds from entering an area of your patio that you do not want them to be in. For example, if you have a potted plant that you do not want the birds to eat from, you can spray the area around the pot with water to keep them away.

Bird Repellent Gel or Spray

There are a variety of bird repellent gels and sprays available on the market that can be applied to patio furniture to help deter birds. These products typically contain ingredients that are unpleasant to birds, such as capsaicin or methyl nonyl ketone, which will cause them to avoid the area.

Before applying a bird repellent gel or spray to your patio furniture, it is important to read the label carefully to make sure that the product is safe to use on the material.

Live Traps

If you have a bird problem that you cannot seem to solve with other methods, you may need to resort to live trapping. This involves setting up a cage trap baited with food in an area where birds are congregating.

When a bird enters the trap to eat the bait, the door will close behind them, preventing them from escaping. Once the bird is trapped, you will need to relocate it to a different area. It is important to check the trap regularly so that you can release the bird as soon as possible.

Wildlife Control Specialist

If you have tried all of the other methods and you are still having problems with birds on your patio, you may need to consult with a wildlife control specialist. These professionals can help you to identify the problem and come up with a customized solution.

In some cases, they may recommend using a combination of different methods to deter the birds. For example, they may suggest playing recorded distress calls while also spraying the area with water.

No matter what method you choose, it is important to be patient and consistent to see results. It may take some time for the birds to get used to the new situation, but eventually, they will learn to stay away from your patio.

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