7 home remedies for a hair-clogged drain | Super effective

home remedies for a hair-clogged drain
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Clogged drains are one of the most common plumbing problems, and they can be a real nuisance. A clogged drain is often caused by a buildup of hair, soap scum, or even grease. While you may be tempted to reach for the Drain-O, there are some simple home remedies that can clear a clogged drain without the use of harsh chemicals.

Home Remedies for Hair-Clogged Drains

What is hair exactly?

Hair is made of a protein called keratin. It is also made up of small amounts of water, lipids, and minerals. The part of the hair that we can see is actually a string of dead cells. Underneath the surface of the skin, there is a layer of living cells called the cortex. These cells produce keratin, which is pushed up through the skin’s surface. As new cells are produced, old ones are pushed out and die. This cycle of cell production and death is what gives hair its natural color and texture.

Why does hair clog up drains?

Hair clogs up drains because it is made up of keratin, an insoluble protein in water. When hair comes into contact with water, it swells and gets tangled, making it difficult to flush down the drain. Additionally, hair can form mats with soap scum and other debris, which can further clog up your drain.

To prevent hair from clogging up your drain, use a drain cover or screen to catch the hair before it goes down the drain. You can also use a plunger to dislodge any hair that may be stuck in the drain.

7 remedies

One of the simplest things you can do to clear a clogged drain is to remove the hair that is causing the problem. This can be done with a plunger, a pair of pliers, or even a wire hanger.


First, make sure that there is enough water in the drain to cover the plunger. This will help create a seal. Next, place the plunger over the drain and push and pull the handle up and down. You may need to do this several times before the clog is removed.


To unclog a drain with hair using pliers, start by removing the drain cover. Then, insert the pliers into the drain and grab onto the clump of hair. Slowly pull the hair out of the drain while twisting the pliers. Finally, rinse the drain with hot water to remove any residual hair.

Wire Hanger

If your drain is clogged with hair, you can use a wire hanger to try and remove the blockage. First, straighten out the wire hanger. Then, create a small hook at one end of the wire by bending it. Next, insert the hook into the drain and try to snag any hair that may be causing the clog. If you are able to remove some hair, pull it out and see if the drain is now clear. If not, you may need to use a plunger or a chemical drain cleaner to remove the remaining blockage.

Drain Snake

If you have long hair that is pushed far down into the pipes, you may want to try using a drain snake. This is a long, flexible piece of metal that can reach deep into the drain and remove the hair without damaging the pipe.

First, you will need to remove the drain cover. Next, insert the drain snake into the drain and begin twisting it clockwise. As you twist the drain snake, it will catch on any hair or debris that is clogging your drain. Continue twisting until you feel the drain snake break through the clog. Finally, flush the drain with hot water to remove any remaining debris.

If you have a clogged drain that is clogged after using the four aforementioned methods, there are a few home remedies that can help clear it out.

Boiling Water

One simple remedy is to pour a pot of boiling water down the drain. This will help to loosen any hair that may be caught in the drain and help the hair through the drainage system.

Pouring boiling water down a drain can unclog it by helping to break up and dissolve any buildup or debris that may be causing the blockage. Boiling water is also a natural disinfectant, so it can help to kill any germs or bacteria that may be present.

Boil a pot of water and pour it down the drain. Let the hot water sit for a few minutes, then flush the drain with cold water. Repeat if necessary.

Baking Soda and Vinegar

Another remedy is to mix together equal parts of baking soda and vinegar, and then pour it down the drain. The baking soda and vinegar will react to create a foaming action that can help to break up any hair or debris that may be causing the blockage.

Pour 1 cup of baking soda down the drain, followed by 1 cup of vinegar. Cover the drain with a plug and let the mixture sit for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, flush the drain with hot water. Repeat if necessary.

Chemical Drain Cleaners

If you have tried all of the home remedies and your drain is still clogged, you may need to use a chemical drain cleaner. Be sure to read and follow the instructions on the product label carefully, as these products can be

What will dissolve hair in a drain?

There are many chemicals that can dissolve hair, including:


There are a few ways that bleach can dissolve hair. One way is through the use of chemicals in the bleach that breaks down the protein structure of the hair. This can cause the hair to become weak and brittle, making it easier to break apart.

Another way that bleach can dissolve hair is through the use of heat. The heat from bleaching can cause the hair shafts to expand and break apart. This can make it easier for the bleach to penetrate the hair and break it down.


Detergents work by dissolving the oils and dirt that are often times attached to hair, causing it to clump in your drain. This process is helped by the fact that detergents are usually very alkaline, which helps to break down the oils. Additionally, the surfactants in detergents help to lift the dirt and oil away from hair so that it can be rinsed away.


There are many different enzymes that can dissolve hair, but the most common and effective ones are those that contain proteases. Proteases are enzymes that break down proteins, and they can be found in many different household cleaners and products.

When these enzymes come into contact with hair, they break down the proteins that make up the hair shaft, causing the hair to weaken and eventually break. There are many different brands and formulations of protease-based cleaners, so it is important to read the labels carefully to find one that is right for your needs. Some protease-based cleaners are also available in concentrated form, which can be more effective at dissolving hair.

Some others include:

-Hydrogen peroxide

-Organic solvents

-Oxygenated water

-Peracetic acid

-Sodium hydroxide (lye)

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